Förderkreis Musica Sacra Frankfurt am Main-Niederrad e.V.


Dear Friends of Church Music,

The promotion circle MUSICA SACRA has set itself the goal of cultivating spiritual music by the regular performance of artistically demanding choral, organ and instrumental concerts.
The Albiez Organ, installed in our church “Mutter vom Guten Rat” in 1983, and the church’s excellent acoustics are complemented by the musical enthusiasm of the church choir and its music director Johannes von Erdmann.

He has put together a programme with a broad musical spectrum that ranges from gospel concerts to choral and orchestral performances of outstanding works of classical literature.
Due to the proximity to the performing artists, chamber concerts also enjoy increasing popularity. It is consequently advisable to obtain tickets in good time from the parish office in Kniebisstr. 27 (tel: 672077).

The current programme of MUSICA SACRA can be accessed under the homepage of the church community: www.mutter-vom-guten-rat.de

Förderkreis Musica Sacra Frankfurt am Main-Niederrad e.V.
Kniebisstraße 27
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 (0) 69 672077