Börschel, Erich (1907-1988)


*1907 Kamp am Rhein- †1988 Plön

From 1931 until 1945, Erich Börschel worked for the Ostmarkenrundfunk, the first broadcasting company of Prussia, which during the Nazi regime became the Reichssender Königsberg. The conductors Hermann Scherchen and Erich Seidler asked him to work with them as pianist and arranger. From 1934, Erich Börschel had his own orchestra, whose widely broadcast concerts were very popular. From 1946 until 1962, he was the director of Radio Frankfurt’s light entertainment orchestra and of the Hessenmusikanten, another Hessischer Rundfunk ensemble. He created popular programmes, such as Börschels Bunter Bilderbogen and Frankfurter Wecker, and was well-known for his compositions Spatzenkonzert and Glockenserenade.

Further information:
Catalogue of the German National Library: http://www.dnb.de