Freies Schauspiel Ensemble

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A small circle of permanent artists and a larger circle of freelancers, but who are continually in contact, work in the “Free Acting Ensemble”.

A small circle of permanent artists and a larger circle of freelancers, but who are continually in contact, work in the “Free Acting Ensemble”. Two, at the most three productions are staged per season. The repertoire comprises around seven productions. The continuity of teamwork and the relatively small number of productions ensure the own personal quality of work and that greater care can be given to the selection of performances. In the choice of team members it is paramount that people work together who really wish to work together, are interested in and bear responsibility for one another, are willing to provide mutual support and encouragement. In this way performances result that touch the hearts and remain in the memories of the audience.

The Ensemble is proud of a diversely structured repertoire that has matured throughout the years. The range includes, for example, the differentiated psycho drama “The Tourist Guide” by Botho Strauss, the antiquities project “Antigone or the demise of the ancient world”, the sparse register of deaths “Dossier: Ronald Akkerman” by Suzanne van Lohuize and the soulful love quartet “The Elective Affinities” by Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

Freies Schauspiel Ensemble Frankfurt im Titania
Basaltstraße 23
60487 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon +49 (0) 69 71913020